Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Mykonos beaches

Agios Sostis Beach
Taking the road beyond Panormos beach and facing east onto the bay, Agios Sostis is one of the more remote beaches on the island. Void of accommodation and crowds this beautiful beach offers not only peace and quiet but a very good small restaurant. Access is limited to private vehicle and t

Agios Stefanos beach, Mykonos
Agios Stefanos Beach
Two kilometers north of town and facing to the west is the well developed beach of Agios Stefanos. Many hotels in this area supply a wide range of accomodation with the beach itself offering a good selection of restaurants and cafes. This family oriented beach can be reached via taxi, private vehicle or regular bus service from town.

Agios Yiannis beach, Mykonos
Agios Yannis Beach
On the west side of the island and facing Delos, the relatively small and picturesque beach of Agios Yannis offers white sands and a collection of small coves catering to the general public. Famous as the location for the award winning motion picture "Shirley Valentine", many appreciate this setting for its calm and relaxed atmosphere. Regular bus service from town provides easy access throughout the day.

Agrari beach, Mykonos
Agrari Beach
One of the quietest beaches of the southern chain. Medium in size this beach has a single restaurant and beach bar that caters to all who enjoy seclusion from the crowds. There is no local bus service but Agrari can be reached by private transport, taxi and boat shuttles from Plati Yialos. Due to its close proximity to Elia this beach can also be reached easily by foot from the Elia bus terminus.

Elia beach, Mykonos
Elia Beach
Easily accessible by bus from town and a regular boat service from Plati Yialos, Elia beach is the largest of the south chain of beaches. Good restaurants, hotels and bungalows provide beach-side refreshment and accommodation with the added attraction of the islands only water park situated just back from the beach and only minutes away. In designated sections nude bathing is allowed.

Ftelia beach, Mykonos
Ftelia Beach
Very often subjected to a good onshore wind, north-facing Fetelia beach, unpleasant to sun bathers, is a great pleasure to wind surfing enthusiasts. Located on the north and central part of the island this beach forms the base to Panormos Bay, the largest on Mykonos. There is a restaurant to serve the needs of those who visit and access to this beach can only be made by taxi or private vehicles.

Kalafatis beach, Mykonos
Kalafatis Beach
One of the earliest established beaches, this beautiful bay and long sweeping Kalafatis beach has become famous to wind surfers who enjoy a good offshore breeze. Hotel accommodation is available together with various water sports including diving with access to the beach made easy from town through a regular bus service. Many small restaurants can be found in the area often specializing in local seafood dishes.

Kalo Livadi beach, Mykonos
Kalo Livadi Beach
Situated at the lower end of a long open valley, Kalo Livadi is part of another group of southern beaches reachable only via the Ano Mera road. Regular bus service from town allows access to this medium sized quiet location where good food but a minimal amount of accommodation is available.

Lia beach, Mykonos
Lia Beach
Furthest from town and accessible only by private vehicle or taxi, Lia beach is a perfect place to escape the crowds. Its undeveloped state and single restaurant make it possible to enjoy the natural cycladic landscape surrounding this beautiful beach.

Ornos beach, Mykonos
Ornos beach
Located on the southwest corner of the island and only two kilometers from town, this area has recently developed into a village. Due, for the most part to the sea's sandy bottom which drops off very gently from the shore, Ornos provides the perfect family beach. Access to and from town is made easy with a frequent local bus service. A daily boat service to other beaches as well as excursions to the island of Delos. Good yachts anchorage.

Panormos beach, Mykonos
Panormos beach
On the north side of the island and facing east onto Panormos Bay is the long and beautiful Panormos Beach. Two restaurants and one hotel serve this otherwise remote area, reachable only by private vehicle or taxi. Nude bathing tolerant, this beach because of its location is best suited during periods of southerly wind.

Paradise beach, Mykonos
Paradise beach
Probably the most popular beach on the island, Paradise developed its fame and contemporary name through its discovery by the "Hippies" and other world traveling backpackers of the 60's. Nude sunbathing tolerant, this beautiful large expance of beach caters primarily to the young set offering a well organised cafeteria, snack bars, beach bars, night clubs, professional diving center , camping facilities

Paraga beach, Mykonos
Paraga beach
Set in a picturesque landscape the restaurants and music beach bars on Paraga beach help to create a holiday atmosphere for not only its daily visitors but for those who chose to stay in its hotels and well organized camping facilities. Public transportation to the beach is supplied by a regular bus service from town and a frequent boat service from Plati Yialos beach.

Plati Yialos beach, Mykonos
Plati Yialos beach
One of the oldest and most established of the southern beaches Plati Yialos, is another family oriented beach offering ample accommodation, restaurants, beach bars and water sports. As one of the most visited beaches connections by boat can be made throughout the day to the other southern beaches of Paraga, Paradise, Super Paradise, Agrari and Elia. Bus service from town is very frequent.

Psarou beach, Mykonos
Psarou beach
Situated within walking distance and just to the right of the Plati Gialos bus terminus, Psarou is one of the earliest established beaches. This medium size well-sheltered beach offers good accommodation, restaurants and various water sports which include a diving school.

Super Paradise beach, Mykonos
Super Paradise beach
Virtually void of hotels and without local bus service, the exclusivity of Super Paradise beach has made it a favorite for gay visitors to the island for many years. Nude tolerant, this beautiful beach set in a small but deep bay has good restaurants and bar discos that echo throughout the day the energy of the town's nightlife. Access to the beach is reached by taxi, private vehicle and a regular boat service from the Plati Yialos dock.


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